We watch bad movies and make them better by drinking

What are you in the mood for?

Change Log


Rounding out pride month with the mother of all queer movies, The Birdcage! Yes, sometimes we watch good (incredible) movies, too.


Backdated entry cause I tried for two weeks to make Lost Boys funny, but it turned out I couldn't do it because it's just a boring movie. But it is queer, I'll give it that.
Anyway, unpopular opinion, but into the Hall of Shame it goes!


Carrying on pride month with one of the queerest movies ever made, Re-Animator! Snap a glow stick into a bottle of vodka* and huddle up for a fun, gorey night

*don't do this


Happy pride! Shame god smote the entire NHL so there was no SCF this year. Oh well, back to our regularly scheduled programming with some queer required reading, Point Break!


Still covering NHL playoffs, but the comentators are onto us. They've levelled off on 'caromed', so have these substitutes:
  • Conner McDavid's secret, untapped "gear" is mentioned
  • Every time you get Tkachuck'd (AKA, his mother fucking mouth guard takes up 90% of the screen for no reason, or the commentators spend too long felating him
  • Beasley? Angels? Chief? "McCleod"


Sorry for the inactivity! Hockey playoffs got us all mixed up but speaking of, have a little mini game, as a treat! If your team's out, these should make a watch party with even the most insufferable fans enjoyable. And if your team's still in, I don't want to hear it.
  • Power Hour Power Play
    • Take a shot (of beer, christ) for every 30 seconds of gameplay during penalties. We take "one to start" as well, so for simplification purposes: drink on the :00's and :30's
  • Drink when they drink. Drink twice if the goalie dousing himself Flashdance style maybe kinda stirs something in you
  • Word of the day: drink every time the announcers say "carom"


To celebrate Wrestlemania, we watched Suburban Commando instead of Wrestlemania #indiewrestlingforlyfe


Gave our livers a break and knocked out Fatal Deviation and The Princess Diaries which made for an odd double feature, but you'll have that sometimes


Kept the DBZA train rolling right through stops Garlic and Trunks. Also posted rules for the Godzilla franchise


Added the Namek/Freeza arcs to the DBZA rules. Would have done them sooner, but was too hungover so tread lightly.


We here at Reel Drunk are genuinely saddened by the passing of Akira Toriyama so we decided to celerate his life the best way we knew how. By getting right twisted to DBZA. RIP good buddy, thanks for all the adventures!


Added Samurai Cop to the Criterion Collection


Carrying on our Sidaris watch with Do or Die!


Minor design changes


Added Hard Ticket to Hawaii (yayyyy) and Twins (boooooo). Also, started a Classics page where we'll be putting essential bad movies. Also finally figured out an internal search function!


Made the genre pages link to the same style sheet so they're more cohesive.


Added an animated puck to the ice on the Mighty Ducks double feature page, just because I could, and added a fun new rule to the house rules. Posted rules for Devil Wears Prada, Uptown Girls, wrote up Home Alone 2 too late for the holidays, but there's always next year, and slapped While You Were Sleeping onto the writer's desk and left it there. Fuck that movie. Tried watching it twice just to see if the rules I'd drunkenly made up were any good and got too bored to bother. Good luck with it.


Added Mighty Ducks, Mighty Ducks 2, made them into a double feature, and a Kickboxer/Bloodsport double feature.


*Blows off an old google doc my buddy made up for me like a year ago that I never fixed up for him* Added Kickboxer to continue the JCVD-athon. Also posted Julie & Julia, Schlock, added a bunch of shows to the dayreeling page, and Freddy vs. Jason finally got inducted into the hall of shame. I gotta keep digging through the back log of rules I haven't funnified yet so probably going to be adding rules pretty rapid-fire the next few weeks


Keeping out JCVD-athon going, added Double Impact. Finally made a mario party page, too


Fixed the actual rule pages so they populate the whole screen properly. Sorry about that one! not sure how that happened


Changed the TV shows page to mimic a streaming service. Not optimized for mobile, but still functional


Added Cyborg


Happy New Year! Condensed the competitive rules nav into a choose your fighter/fixed a broken link so Scorpion and Subzero display properly


Added Bloodsport and updated the genre pages for better readability/navigation


Added a change log