Just some rules we've picked up along the way that seem to work for every movie. A good base point if you want to make your own rules, too

House Rules

With Everything You Crave:
  1. Birdemic: The Rule
      One for the theater dorks. Anytime you see an obvious styrofoam set, or a distractingly bad green screen, drink
  2. Scream.mp4
      Finish your drink for the wilhelm scream
  3. Chekhov's drink
      Did that convenient plot point established early in the movie pay off? Drink!
  4. Ronald Reagan, the actor?
      Does his presidential portrait behind the desk of every police chief in the 80's count as a movie reference if IMDB doesn't list his roll in the destruction of America among his accolades? Probably not. Regardless, drink every time that little stinker's portrait takes up 80% of the screen for no goddamn reason.
      Trump cameo
      If I had a nickle for every time a card carrying SAG member was elected by Republicans, I'd have two nickles, which isn't a lot but it's still more than either of those bastards left me
  5. Wealth gap
      Can you spot the middle class? No, cause it doesn't exist. Anyway, drink whenever you get the bourgeois and the proles in the same shot. Trailer trash in a bougie setting? Nostrovia!
  6. Weird sexual vibes
      Uncomfortable? Drink.
  7. Product placement
      Hail corporate
  8. They say the name of movie
      When they do the thing, you do the thing
  9. Nudity
  10. ACAB
      This doesn't mean drink every time you see a cop (though we love the spirit) this just means drink whenever a cop is specifically doin the cop bullshit you know and love. Racial profiling? "Losing" evidence? General incompetence? Those bastards.
      Not a separate enough idea to warrant a new rule but stay on your toes folks. This includes military propaganda
  11. Cheesy one liners
      I'll drink to that
  12. Plot twist is revealed
      The Prestige!
  13. Passed the Betchel test
      Good news: women exist outside of men!
      Bad news: finish your drink!
  14. Daddy Issues
      This is a site by and for millennials aint it? Drink any time a movie makes you remember your father. Cause fuck bro, that's rough.
  15. Cheers!
      Drink when they drink!
  16. WUTMM!
      Drink whenever the production value knocks you on your ass, or better yet: makes you slam your fist on the table in frustration and shout, "we used to make movies!"

Never Forget

    • Drink every time that iconic NYC skyline establishing shot includes the WTC