
Herein please find my love song to Godzilla. These rules won't really get you drunk (it's hard to find rules relevant for 70 years worth of cinema), but I couldn't go on one more day without having made them. This franchise holds a place near and dear to my heart and this page was a lot of fun to make (imagine I'm gritting my teeth so hard they might crack while saying that because responsive design and scrolly text boxes do not mesh well) so enjoy!


- Roar.mp4
- Atomic breath
- With a purposeful grimace and a terrible sound...
- He tears the spitting high tension wires down. Drink whenever a kaiju just walks right through some cables.
- Two drinks for a power plant power up.
- Vegeta: the Rule
- Drink when a previous baddie is now the champion of humanity
- Majin Vegeta: the Rule
- Drink twice for the heel turn
- Military propaganda uno reverse
- But you didn't do anything meme
- Whenever Infant Island is seen or referenced
- When you get a live update from the press
- Newspapers/reporters live on scene/breaking news cycle