Bloodsport (1988)

  1. JCVD tilt attacks
      Round house? Splits? Drink
  2. Blood is drawn
      It's in the name of the movie, what did you expect?
  3. "Kumiteā€
      Someone was very proud of the fake name they came up with for the tournament and it shows
  4. Round One. Fight!
      Drink every time a fight/match starts
  5. Rocky: the Rule
      Drink for every montage. 2 if its a music montage because nothing screams manly like working out to a song about heartbreak
  6. Slow motion

Bonus Drinks

  1. Finish your drink for the dick punch

House Rules that Apply

  1. Product placement
  2. Drink when they drink
  3. Name of the movie
  4. Copganda
  5. Nudity
      Let the man hang dong you cowards