Hall of Shame
Movies not even we could make enjoyable. Have some rules for 'em anyway, incase you want to improve them. Some of them are scrapped cause we abandoned ship. Take them in all their unalterred gory.
This page is dedicated to Mystic Pizza, the most boring movie we've ever seen
Mystic Pizza
Don’t watch this movie. No amount of rules made this movie entertaining. If you find yourself stuck watching this movie (perhaps ‘cause your mom has an underdeveloped sapphic crush on Julia Roberts and it's too late for you to dip on family movie night now (family movie night? That exists for functional families, right?)) go ahead and try these out but don’t say I didn’t warn you.
- Julia has 80s-tastic hair
- Sax Plays
- Bad 80s fashion
- Kat needs to get a spine
- You see a pizza
- Drink when they drink
And drink when they smoke
- And drink when they smoke
Honestly, the only thing that made this movie bareable was a running gag of pretending the leading man was played by Mark Whalberg. Do reccomend, you'll need the added entertainmen.
Billie’s head blows up into glitter finish drink
- DJ Julian Dice gives the eyes 0.0
- Dice engages in air thrusting or any kind melody
- Billi's tits fill more than half the screen
The appearance of a wandering strip of silver on Billie.
- A narrative thread is suddenly severed making it impossible to understand ANYTHING happening in the following scene.
- a character says: “so it’s like that”
- Billie deals with her issues of abandonment by abandoning either her “keepin’ it real” friends or her mother.
- Said friends end a sentence with "bitch".
- Dice’s personality radically shifts for apparently no reason.
- Bad editing
Takes 3 shots to walk 10 feet, a singing bit goes on for entirely too long
- Coordinated outfits
Billie’s head blows up into glitter finish drink
The appearance of a wandering strip of silver on Billie.
- Takes 3 shots to walk 10 feet, a singing bit goes on for entirely too long
- Snake jargon
Weird herpetologist babble, drink
Someone said "snake," drink
- Wet tee shirt contest
See some nipples? Nice. And don't be a prude; men can get thotty too
- Drink any time they try to convince you Ice Cube isn't the prime beef on the boat
- Snake sounds
Do snakes scream?
- Kill shots
This is how anacondas hunt, right?
- Fake jump scare
- Weird herpetologist babble, drink
- Someone said "snake," drink
- See some nipples? Nice. And don't be a prude; men can get thotty too
- Do snakes scream?
- This is how anacondas hunt, right?
Bonus Drinks
- Start off strong. Finish your drink when Ice Cube's first line of the movie is "Today was a good day"

Wild, Wild West
- Will Smith taint? In my kid’s movie?
It’s more likely than you think. Drink every time you can’t believe this movie had a Burger King toy line. This pretty much just means anytime Selma Hayek is on screen
- Impossible steampunk inventions
Fuckin magnets how do they work
- Transphobia
Just go ahead and drink until you’re comfortable again
- Confederacy gets beat up
This almost makes the rest of the movie worth it. Almost.
- It’s more likely than you think. Drink every time you can’t believe this movie had a Burger King toy line. This pretty much just means anytime Selma Hayek is on screen
- Fuckin magnets how do they work
- Just go ahead and drink until you’re comfortable again
- This almost makes the rest of the movie worth it. Almost.
Bonus Drinks
Who needds the oxide when you have pure nitro?
- Finish drink for the song
lbh that's the only reason you're here
- Who needds the oxide when you have pure nitro?
- lbh that's the only reason you're here

Ghost Rider
- Let’s get to The Point
No explanation needed; two drinks when he points.
- Competitive drink: Sam Elliot call out
The Banquet Rider
- Cheesy fire
This doesn’t mean drink for pyrotechnics (though, sure, go for it if you want cause really who needs that much pyrotechnics?) This means drink for all obvious fake fire. Head to toe fire suit? Count it.
- James Brown is dead
So why do they keep talking about soul? Drink whenever someone mentions “souls”
- Speak of the devil
Drink whenever you see Mephistopheles or the devil is mentioned
- I saw the sign
Drink whenever Nic Cage thinks something is a sign from God
- Just stuntin on ‘em
Sick chopper tricks yo. Choppers are made for that, right?
- Spanish_guitar_stinger.WAV
- I wanna be a cowboy, baby
Drink for any Weird Weird West iconography
- No explanation needed; two drinks when he points.
- The Banquet Rider
- This doesn’t mean drink for pyrotechnics (though, sure, go for it if you want cause really who needs that much pyrotechnics?) This means drink for all obvious fake fire. Head to toe fire suit? Count it.
- So why do they keep talking about soul? Drink whenever someone mentions “souls”
- Drink whenever you see Mephistopheles or the devil is mentioned
- Drink whenever Nic Cage thinks something is a sign from God
- Sick chopper tricks yo. Choppers are made for that, right?
- Drink for any Weird Weird West iconography
Chain Reaction 1996
- University of Chicago grad, Keanu Reeves
Everytime Keanu, with that face, Talks STEM at you
- Outdated tech
- "Alistair"
iiiii iiiii~
Do you think they named him that evil name and repeated it so much to make him a red herring? Why'd they kill him so early if that's the case?
- Every time rachel weisz is portrayed to be a child?
You know, this physicist?
Why'd they do her makeup like that? Why didn't she know what being drunk was like? Why does absolutely no one take her seriously
- Title card/globe trotting/in-the-know, nerdy establishing shot
- Brian cox's bad southern accent
- Everytime Keanu, with that face, Talks STEM at you
iiiii iiiii~
- Do you think they named him that evil name and repeated it so much to make him a red herring? Why'd they kill him so early if that's the case?
- You know, this physicist?
- Why'd they do her makeup like that? Why didn't she know what being drunk was like? Why does absolutely no one take her seriously
Bonus drinks
- 2 million kelvin and rising
- Deus ex piano
And deus ex unlocked cop car?? move to real rules?
- Ronald Reagan, by mention?
- And deus ex unlocked cop car??
move to real rules?
Generic action rules
- Pyrotechnics
"Start hydrogen burn"
Actually, I wish we had real pyrotechnics. These SFX suck shit
- "Start hydrogen burn"
- Actually, I wish we had real pyrotechnics. These SFX suck shit
House rules
- Weird sexual vibes
- They say the name of the movie (dipped before this paid off, if it paid off)
- Birdemic
- Chekhov's drink
Yeah its actually a gun this time (dipped out before this paid off, if it paid off)
- the prestige
How were we supposed to believe Morgan Freeman wasn't in on it, when he "didn't hear" a hydrogen bomb going off 6 blocks up?
Only evil people smoke cigars
- Product placement
We're counting agent ford for this because the movie is obv funded by ford, har har mind hunter, and also cause we got bored and wanted to drink more
Also, count meta for every time c-systems is seen or mentioned
- Drink when they (smoke)
Twice if its inside
- Class divide
- Yeah its actually a gun this time (dipped out before this paid off, if it paid off)
- How were we supposed to believe Morgan Freeman wasn't in on it, when he "didn't hear" a hydrogen bomb going off 6 blocks up?
- Only evil people smoke cigars
- We're counting agent ford for this because the movie is obv funded by ford, har har mind hunter, and also cause we got bored and wanted to drink more
- Also, count meta for every time c-systems is seen or mentioned
- Twice if its inside
Python (2000)
Is this 2 bad snake movies left on the cutting room floor? Yes. Should I learn my lesson? Probably. Am I ever going to stop watching terrible natural horror movies? Asbolutely not. If you're like me - twice bitten none shy - enjoy these rules! As a bad snake movie connoisseur, this onees the better of the two
- Fake jump scare
Drink whenever you get a fake out, but also drink every time a normal ass snake is shown
- Shut up Wesley
Will Wheaton call out
- Queer fashion
- Questionable music choice
Not just shitty 00's punk but also soulful piano music while skinny dipping? This movie has it all
- Slut shaming
- Frederick Kruger talks about his big snake
- Snake eyes
Every time you see through the snakes vision
- [Snake roars]
I'm no meteorologist but I don't think that's what snake sounds like
- Bad science
Also: Incongruous snake biology
- Acid burns flesh but not clothes, man eater that never eats its prey, can bust through the hill of a plane but not the cage inside the plane? drink
- Drink whenever you get a fake out, but also drink every time a normal ass snake is shown
- Will Wheaton call out
- Not just shitty 00's punk but also soulful piano music while skinny dipping? This movie has it all
- Every time you see through the snakes vision
- I'm no meteorologist but I don't think that's what snake sounds like
- Also: Incongruous snake biology
- Acid burns flesh but not clothes, man eater that never eats its prey, can bust through the hill of a plane but not the cage inside the plane? drink
- Cat stuff happens
milk? cleaning? nine lives...
Seriously, milk??
- Bad CGI - birdemic
- Horny movie
Seriously, how the hell did they put Halle Berry in a cat suit and still manage to lose my interest?
- "Beau-Line"
- Copgenda
- Product placement
+ meta
- milk? cleaning? nine lives...
- Seriously, milk??
- Seriously, how the hell did they put Halle Berry in a cat suit and still manage to lose my interest?
- + meta
Freddy Vs. Jason
You know how bad a movie with built in face off rules has to be for me to not put it on the competative rules page? That's my favorite page. I love adding to that page. And I love Jason! He's my favorite! That being said, absolutely fuck this movie with a machete. Shame shame shame
- Meta product placement
"Hypnocil" is seen/said
- Someone falls over
- "Hypnocil" is seen/said
Pick a team
- "Freddy"
- He kills someone
- "Bitch"
- Someone falls asleep
(insert generic joke about the movie being dumb and boring here)
- Gratuitous claws shot
- Iconic Freddy one-liner
- "Elm Street"
- "Jason"
- He kills someone
- Sexy teens being sexy
Pro mode: drink duration
- Drugs or alcohol are used
- Gratuitious machete shot
- chichichimamama.mp3
House Rules that Apply
- Nudity
- Birdemic: the rule
- Fake jump scare
- Drink when they drink
- (insert generic joke about the movie being dumb and boring here)
- Pro mode: drink duration
While you were sleeping
- 4th wall break
- midwest name/image drop
shits almost as good as a title card
Yes, this incl. sausage ment.
- two drinks when this bitch insists her chicago dog is just a dirty water dog with mustard
- femcel behavior that makes you wanna die////or they try to convince you Sandra Bullock is undesireable
- "ice capades"
- chicago public transportation/CTA seen/heard
- shits almost as good as a title card
- Yes, this incl. sausage ment.
- two drinks when this bitch insists her chicago dog is just a dirty water dog with mustard
house rules
- product placement
- class divide
- checkhov's drink
I guess!?
- I guess!?
The Lost Boys
- "Michael"
Okay actually this is worse than the michael jordan show rule in space jam
- worms/maggots - illusions, michael joke
- Someone has a ridiculous mullet
2x if everyone in frame has a ridiculous mullet
- A vampire other than Keifer Sutherland speaks
- 2x A vampire dies
- A shitty taxidermied animal is seen
- The vamps are seen rolling around on their dirt bikes
Get that little kid a helmet!
- You can hear a saxophone start playing
- Corey on Corey
- isthedogthehero.com - bonus drink
Editor's note: this is in reference to a brilliant drunken idea we had for a site similar to doesthedogdie, but in this case we would decide if the dog is the hero of the movie. Write in to let me know if there's a market for this (I won't be filling the niche, I just wanna know
- "How far are you willing to go, Michael?"///"Just you! Just you, and me."//"One of the reasons I divorced your father was because he never believed in the closet monster" - all contenders for gay rule joke material
- Needle drop/jim morrison i(ii)
- Okay actually this is worse than the michael jordan show rule in space jam
- 2x if everyone in frame has a ridiculous mullet
- Get that little kid a helmet!
- Editor's note: this is in reference to a