Star Trek TOS

  1. Hammer Time!
      Hammer punch/judo chop/double ax handle… any over hand strike, take a drink
  2. Terminal redshirt syndrome
    • You knew it was coming. Drink every time a redshirt bites it
      Two if he's also Irish
  3. Drink whenever Kirk commands something
      And that's an order, mister!
  4. Super mensch, the plot device
      Drink whenever Spock walks something off that should've killed or seriously maimed him
      Two if it's obvious Gene Roddenberry wrote himself into a corner or the budget couldn't account for any solution other than "idk. resident alien has something up his sleeve"
  5. "Dammit Jim I'm a doctor not a shitty website writer!"
      (I am not)
  6. Transporter issues
      They should probably replace that fucking thing already
  7. Drink every time all of senior command beams down to an alien planet at the same time
      At this point they may as well take the warp core too, what could go wrong?
  8. Shaky cam
  9. Finish your drink every time this poorly aged show actually was progressive for its time
  10. Drink everytime you can see someone's girdle
  11. Paramount dumpster diving
      Drink every time you suddenly finds yourself in Mayberry or the extras are dressed suspiciously like a PBS Dickens docudrama cast
  12. To drink or not to drink
      Yes, drink, always, of course, but especially every time they reference Shakespeare
  13. Window's Vista maneuver
      Every time a character makes a computer think hard enough to incapacitate it, drink
  14. Racism
      Yes, this means drink whenever Takei gets booted in favor of another Asian actor (because there would've been rioting in the streets if there'd been more than one, you know) but it also means drink every time that old southern drunkard calls Spock green blooded and doesn't know jack or fuck about how to, you know, doctor HIS FIRST OFFICER
  15. Bad science
      I'm no psychiatrist, but I don't think that's how nuclear fission works...
      Idiot tax: Two drinks if they kinda convince you maybe a little

House Rules that apply

  1. Chekhov's drink
      Expert mode: Chekhov's Chekhov. Drink whenever the most annoying character does indeed annoy you
  2. Birdemic: the rule
      Please drink responsibly
  3. Wealth gap
      Money still exists within the Federation, yes, but here we're extending the rule to include everytime someone (Kirk) is super racist and looks down on any planet "worse off" because it's not part of the Federation
  4. Weird sexual vibes
      Please drink responsibly
  5. ACAB/Copganda
  6. Cheesey one liners
      Why are these mostly biblical?
  7. Daddy issues