The Holiday (2006)

  1. Jack Black shenanigans
  2. Crying, and attempts at crying
      Finish your drink when Cameron can finallyanage it
  3. Movie Trailers
      Good thing I didn't pay for this movie otherwise I'd be pissed
  4. Bored now!
      Drink when we switch between our leading ladies story lines
      But also, drink whenever we focus too much on the Hot Ones, because the casting director of this movie deserves a purple heart, putting Jack Black as a love interest in a romcom. Unfortunately, no one else behind this movie got the memo. They're cowards and I’m uninterested in Jude Law so get him off my screen.
  5. This Movie Has a Hans Zimmer Score
      Drink for all standard rom com score cues, outdated pop songs, and finish your drink when they mention him
  6. "Love"
      Fuck suffixes, only drink for the word 'love' explicitly
  7. Count Adhemar is a piece of shit
      You know, this guy
      He's just so good at playing a dick
  8. Exterior shot of the cottage
  9. Culture shock

Bonus Drinks

Not gonna lie, these are all about Jude Law and I think it's cause we just kept wanting to drink the pain of not seeing Jack Black away. So they're probably not really "bonus drinks," per se, but fuck it, drink anyway.
  1. Jude law's glasses cause *chefs kiss*
  2. Jude Law says, apropos of nothing, "I have a cow in the backyard." finish your drink

House Rules that Apply

  1. Name of the movie
  2. Daddy issues
  3. Product placement
  4. Wealth gap
  5. Drink when they drink (or very obviously don't drink)
      Look it started as a rule to feel like we were part of the crew but then the movie hits some spells dryer than the Sahara and we needed to hydrate but they juST WOULDN'T DRINK