Prom Night (1980)

  1. Surely he can't be serious?
      Drink every time you can't take Leslie Nielsen seriously
  2. Queen Elizabeth might be dead
      But Jamie Lee Curtis ain't
      Drink every time the scream queen does her thing
  3. "Prom" is said
  4. Someone is stabbed
  5. Predator vision
      Drink whenever you see through the killer's eyes
  6. Discos not dead
      Drink every time a new song and dance number breaks out
      Hey remember how Jamie Lee Curtis and the prom king only started dating hours ago? When did they have time to rehearse this 10 minute routine?

House Rules that Apply

  1. Weird sexual vibes
  2. ACAB
  3. Nudity

Bonus Drink

  1. "I can't see without my glasses"
      just go ahead and finish the beer