- Fellowship character name is said
Two if they say a last name
Three if they use a title
- The “One Ring” is mentioneed, used, or focused on
Drink again if you remember the outbreak of nerds this caused to get one ring wedding bands back in the early 00's
Three if you were one of those dorks
- Three when a good guy is hurt
Boromir taking all those arrows before succumbing is heroic and all, but I'm about to Yamcha.
- Everyone's got their vices
Fellowship eat or drink or smoke
- godzilla.mp4
drink everytime you hear the Ring Wraith shreik
- You hear a version of the main theme music
Oh mannnnn, the goddamn liet motif is about to reprise!
- Drink, precious
You already knew it was coming, drink every time Gollum calls the ring a petname
- Elvish is spoken
- Fake death of a character
if you've never seen the movies (seriously, what the fuck?) then just drink during the big reveal
- Beheading
Editor's note: I haven't seen these movies in a long time and only remembered the fell beast beheading so when I was reveiwing my associate's rules, I was like surely that doesn't pay off enough to be a rule? but according to this sick fucking forum I found, this pays off about 30 times. Metal.
- There's a Visine for that
Drink every time Sauron's enflamed eye is shown
- Three drinks for any line from They're taking the Hobbits to Isengard
- Fantasy racism
House Rules
- Sexual tension
- Name of the movie
- Chekhov's drink