- Underwater shot
Look they paid for the fancy camera and they’re gonna use it, dammit
Two drinks for weird aquarium lighting
- Bridgette Fonda falls off a mode of transportation
- Outdated tech
- Kill shot
- The feminists are taking over
Hold onto your purse, we’re drinking for misogyny!
Two drinks if the movie gaslights you into thinking you’re being dramatic for thinking it’s misogynist
- Related: Bridgette Fonda “has a thing about” something
- Bangin soundtrack
- Drink whenever they say “crocodile”
- Bad science
I'm no meteorologist, but I don't think that's how crocs work
Bonus Drinks
- Two drinks when Brendon Gleeson’s pee steams in the crisp early morning air
- Finish your drink when they decide to go fishing with a cow instead of just waiting for the croc to come up for a little breakfast beef at his normal brunch spot
House Rules that Apply
- They say the name of the movie
- Chekhov’s drink
- Cheesy one liners
- Class divide
- Weird sexual vibes