Kill Bill (2003)

What's this? A good movie here on Reel Drunk dot org? Yes. Don't ask questions, just watch the movie and have a good time.

  1. Ironside_sirens.mp4
      Two drinks if the bride sees yellow
  2. Viewer Discretion: Foot Fetish
      You already knew it would be a rule. Drink in proportion with how gratuitous the foot show is, and how uncomfortable it makes you.
      Just don't be a prude and you'll be fine. Words to live by
  3. Drink whenever someone pulls some sort of steel.
      Sword, pocket knife, kitchen cleaver… If Tarentino felt the need to illustrate it being unsheathed with a ‘snick’ sound, count it.
  4. This soundtrack Bang, Bangs
      Drink whenever a new song is played
  5. This movie amputates more limbs than Robert Liston
      Drink whenever someone loses an appendage
  6. Whenever someone mentions “Bill”
  7. Who turned out the lights?
      Drink whenever there’s a change in filming style. Black and white, black and blue, you’re suddenly watching an anime? Drink.
  8. Drink whenever a code name is used
      Mine would be Ana -.
      I am suddenly pulled from the stage by a giant shepherding hook
  9. Sudden zoom
  10. Glass breaking
  11. Finish drink when a name gets crossed out
  12. Drink whenever you begrudgingly remember why Quentin Tarentino is everyone’s generic favorite director
  13. Drink for title cards
  14. Spit take
      I crawl back onto the stage, bruised and bloody to ask: Does Tarentino have a spit fetish too?
      I am forcibly dragged back off stage

House Rules that Apply

  1. Product placement
      Film bro edition: Include meta!
  2. Name of movie
  3. Class divide