First up, Josie and the Pussycats

  1. Du Jour means drink
      Drink whenever someone explains what du jour translates to
  2. Drink whenever someone is wearing animal print
  3. Inuendo
  4. 4th wall breaks
      Just when you thought this movie couldn’t get any more self aware, comic jokes!
      This includes anytime someone mentions Riverdale
  5. Orange is the new Black!
      Pink replaced red? Orange is the new Pink? Drink!
  6. Two drink if you catch yourself jamming out to these fictitious songs
      I’m just saying I probably would’ve asked my mom to buy me this album

Bonus Drink

  1. Alan Cumming drops a song title Code Word

House Rules That Apply

  1. Product placement
      Vaya con Dios
  2. Name of the movie
  3. Bechtel Test

Next, Charlie's Angels

  1. Meta jokes
      Cheesy one liners, the iconic angels stance on the middle of a fight, critiquing how insanely racist the disguises were in the original show, every damn song having 'Angel' in the title. If you're having flashbacks to an era of television you probably weren't alive for, drink
  2. All 3 angels are on same couch
      I'm not making the joke, it's too easy.
      Competitive drink: first to call out Bill Murray in the shot gives a drink.
  4. The Angels change costume
  5. Natalie dances
      Go white girl! go white girl! Go!
  6. Whenever an Angel fights someone
  7. Slow motion/obvious harness
  8. Whenever you see the thin man
      You know, the hair pervert
  9. Attractive lady, the plot device
      Yeah, yeah, it's the whole plot I know but still, drink whenever cheesey flirting from an attractive lady progresses the movie
  10. The dulcet tones of Charlie's voice
      "Well done angels"

House Rules that Apply

  1. Product placement
  2. Plot twist revealed
  3. Chekhov's drink
  4. Birdemic: the Rule