- Cut to the dad
Hard anime cut to the long-forgotten father wandering the harsh terrain of the North American wilds, trying to find his way back home? Drink, and tell yourself one day your dad will also crawl back home.
- Brad Pitt's an asshole, or he drives like an asshole
He just looks like an asshole the whole movie so you're gonna have to use your discretion here.
- On screen death
- Red herring drinks
These might be hard to spot in real time, but drink any time something seems fishy.
- Outfits that fuck
Like it says, see an ensemble that you'd consider being a consumerist pig to possess? Drink instead!
- Pervert
Unfortunately you can't crawl through your TV Samara Ringu style and nensha these old men to death so you'll just have to drink until the discomfort abates.
House Rules that Apply
- Drink when they drink
- Product placement
These teens' names are Sprite Pepsi and they're abstinent 'til they die! 🔪
Bonus Drinks
- Two drinks when someone tenderly removes the cover of the PA's mic like it's a Tarantino movie and they've been charged with pulling Uma Thurman's stockings off her feet.
- Two drinks for The Train Question
Your drink leaves your table heading toward your mouth at drink o' clock, what time will it arrive?