- Die Hard: The Rule
Drink whenever you're reminded this is a Christmas Classic
- Pyrotechnics
Drink whenever you're beaten over the head with the raw imagery of Sly Stallone's burning masculine power
- Phallic Symbolism
Sometimes a snake engraved on the grip of a pistol tucked neatly into the crotch of a walking male power fantasy is NOT just a snake engraved on the grip of a pistol tucked neatly into the crotch of a walking male power fantasy
- Cobra/axe imagery
Could these drinks be blanketed under the phallic symbolism rule? Yes. Does it really say something about this movie that you can remove these and STILL need a stand alone phallic symbolism rule? Also yes.
- "New Order" is mentioned
Shadowy eugenicist organization? In my lighthearted freudian Stallone action romp? Man I need a drink
House Rules That Apply
- Name of movie
- Birdemic: The Rule
- Copganda
- Cheesy one liners
- Product placement
Holy shit that's a lot of blood. Good thing I have this bulk box of Bounty (the Quicker Picker Upper) right here!
- Drink when they drink
- Chekhov's drink
- Ronald Reagan, the actor
Bonus Drinks
I was gonna try to make a goof funny enough to parallel NOS being used in this movie, but in trying to find out what specific model of 3 ton 1950's Pure Pittsburgh Steel they tried to convince me reached mach 2, I found out that Sylvester Stallone (receiver of an Academy Award nomination for best original screenplay) wrote his own shitty custom Mercury into this movie and I'm just not gonna be funnier than that
- Two drinks when The Gun is used
Listen, this movie made me feel like I got a facial from thee Italian Stallion in the first 45 seconds and I needed to cope with that somehow