
  1. Pick an ingredient per round and drink whenever it is used or talked about
  2. Contestants talk about family
      Do the producers actually think this makes them more likeable?
  3. Time check
      10 minutes to go!
      Twice if the judges are yelling about getting plates ready
  4. Contestant aruges with judges
      A surefire way to save yourself from elimation
  5. Salads, salsas, and sandwhiches
      Eye roll for lack of inspiration is not mandatory, but encouraged
  6. Judges complain about not tasting a basket item
  7. "Behind"
      Yes Chef!
  8. They use booze
      Finish your drink the the chef is underage
  9. Never heard of ingredient/messed up prep/grossed out by it
      You can eat sweet potato leaves?

Two Drinks

  1. Chef is from a major city
      The should really scout anywhere besides NYC and Austin
  2. Burnt or undercooked dishes
  3. Don't know how to use equipment
      How hard can an icecream machine be to figure out?
      Editor's note: Hard

Three Drinks

  1. Finishes super early
      This feels illegal every time it happens
  2. Chops themselves
      Hehe, get it?
  3. Fire gets started
  4. Forgets an ingredient on the palte
  5. Not safe to eat