- Pick an ingredient per round and drink whenever it is used or talked about
- Contestants talk about family
Do the producers actually think this makes them more likeable?
- Time check
Twice if the judges are yelling about getting plates ready
- Contestant aruges with judges
A surefire way to save yourself from elimation
- Salads, salsas, and sandwhiches
Eye roll for lack of inspiration is not mandatory, but encouraged
- Judges complain about not tasting a basket item
- "Behind"
- They use booze
Finish your drink the the chef is underage
- Never heard of ingredient/messed up prep/grossed out by it
You can eat sweet potato leaves?
Two Drinks
- Chef is from a major city
The should really scout anywhere besides NYC and Austin
- Burnt or undercooked dishes
- Don't know how to use equipment
How hard can an icecream machine be to figure out?
- Editor's note: Hard
Three Drinks
- Finishes super early
This feels illegal every time it happens
- Chops themselves
- Fire gets started
- Forgets an ingredient on the palte
- Not safe to eat