A Recipe for Seduction (2020)

  1. Drink whenever someone mentions the "Secret Recipe"
      not so secret, it seems
  2. Whenever chicken is mentioned or seen
  3. Whenever the mom actively orchestrates whoring her daughter out
  4. Whenever the token black guy is in frame
      Two drinks when you realize he’s also gay
  5. Drink whenever someone mentions "Christmas"
  6. Why is there so much violence in this chicken romance?
      Drink whenever they literally beat you over the head with this lifetime movie trope
  7. There’s a new chef in town
      Drink whenever Harland Sanders is the furthest thing from the chicken dynamo, household name, Colonel Sanders, imaginable

Bonus Drinks

  1. Two drinks each for “Don’t call me crouton” and “Secrets out, chicken man” cause fuck that’s good dialogue

House Rules that Apply

  1. Drink when they drink
  2. Product placement