- Here’s “Johnny”
Drink whenever someone mentions our titular hero
- Computer lingo
This sounds like when Geek Squad pegs me for a mark and just throws jargon at me until I agree to the upsell just to shut them up
- Headache
Someone get this man an advil
- “Pharmakom” is seen or heard
- Oh hey, you’re here?
Drink whenever you are surprised by an actor’s appearance
- Internet Visuals
This movie was filmed on location
- Video calls, or any other futuristic item they got right
Look, a monkey with a typewriter and infinite time will eventually write the works of Shakespeare. This movie was bound to get something right.
Drink twice for iPhone cause that's just weird
- Yakuza is seen or mentioned
Bonus Drinks
This intro is giving me a nerve syndrome
- Finish your drink for the fish
House Rules that Apply
- Product Placement