Congo (1995)

  1. Diamonds are a girl’s best friend
      Drink any time someone says “Diamond”
  2. This camera is more unstable than I am
      Drink for every shaky cam shot, if you can overcome the turbulence
  3. Competitive drink: Tim Curry call out
      Get your flippers out. First person to call out Tim Curry in the scene with their best impression gives a drink
  4. Thanks for coming to my Tech Talk
      “It’s a gadget, it has features”
      Bonus round: drink for all the Win95 level displays
  5. Monroe is a mary sue
      Machete wielding, hippo killing john wayne? Witty, politically knowledgeable, cigarillo smoking gentleman? Drink up
  6. This Is A Michael Crichton Movie ™
      are you being beat over the head by the capitalist horror of it all? Yes, always, drink.
  7. Bad science
      Air pressure? I hardly know 'er!

House Rules that Apply

  1. Name of the movie
  2. Product placement
  3. Class divide
  4. ACAB
  5. Weird sexual tension
      Yes I am referring to everyone in this movie shipping Dr. Elliot with Amy
  6. Chekhov’s drink
  7. Birdemic: the Rule
  8. Cheesy one liners