- Weird sexual tension expanded, or: Did John Waters direct this?
Remember when people were allowed to be sexual on TV?
Schmecks of vore? Bootlicking? Shoe fetish? Pup play? Master/servant? Primal play?
I could go on but the point remains the same. They really did the Brothers Grimm good on this one and I love it. Drink every time a paraphilia is hinted at
- Meta urban dictionary
"Suck an elf," "nicey-nice," "huff puff," or any other catchy slang you find yourself repeating is said, drink
- Akira Toriyama: the Rule
Drink whenever wolf goes super Saiyan on some poor, unsuspecting food
- Drink when someone makes a wish
- Puppy play (reverse)
Drink everytime prince calls tony his manservant
- Magical girl transformation
Drink every time someone is physically changed in some way
- If you'd like to take a sip,
Just wait 'til into rhyme they slip
- Pocket sand!
- Every time a human gives in to temptation
Two if its Wolf who can't resist
- Pinterest fashion board
Drink every time you see an article of clothing you'd wear either any regular old day, or as part of a costume
This rule is dedicated to the lady troll's shoes godDAMN
Bonus Drinks
- Start each ep with a bang! Two drinks every time the twin towers go down
House Rules that Apply
- Weird sexual tension
Chug for primal play if you're weak.
- Drink when they drink
- Birddemic
- Name of the (show)
- (mommy) issues
- Chekhov's drink